Foolish Thoughts on Week 17: Studs, Cowardly Lions and Cowbell

Your fantasy football season should now officially be over. We hope you all did better than expected, and if we were any help, even better. We took this week off get our act together for the playoffs and recover from 17 weeks of fantasy football coverage. It’s grueling … but also so very, very good.…… Continue reading Foolish Thoughts on Week 17: Studs, Cowardly Lions and Cowbell

A Fool and His Money in Week 1

Now that we have the explanation out of the way, let’s talk Week 1 picks. Jacob’s Ed. Note: Note that due to some compulsive gambling this weekend, we didn’t get the Week 1 picks up before the games. If you didn’t notice, congratulations — you rock. Starting Week 2, picks should be up prior to…… Continue reading A Fool and His Money in Week 1