The League S03E07: Carmenjello kills zipper fairies

What have we not ruined of Ruxin’s yet? Sex life? So let’s get right on that by having his wife Sofia accuse him of “breast favoritism” and shut him down for the night. But we’re not just picking on Ruxin this episode. Kevin’s got his own problems in the bedroom because Ellie’s room is under…… Continue reading The League S03E07: Carmenjello kills zipper fairies

The League S03E06: Yobogoya! Will Destroy Ya

This episode brought both the shits and the giggles. Literally. The season is all about destroying Ruxin — body, mind and what’s left of his soul. I’m sure somewhere in The Art of War it details exactly the strategy Ruxin’s faced through the first half of this season. First, you crush their spirit by ruining their…… Continue reading The League S03E06: Yobogoya! Will Destroy Ya