Fourth & 1 Debate: Two running backs worth stashing

Last week’s Fourth & 1 fantasy football roundtable debate asked, “Which two players are you stashing for the second half? Why?”

I selected LeSean McCoy and Mike Bell as my stashes for the reasons outlined below in my entry for the roundtable. After seeing Brian Westbrook suffer a concussion in Monday Night Football tonight, I think my McCoy pick rings true. Mike Bell is more of a long-term grab that may or may not pay off before the end of the season.

For the second half, I’m stashing LeSean McCoy from the Philadelphia Eagles. While running back Brian Westbrook is back and healthy right now, it wouldn’t surprise many of his fantasy owners to see him miss another game or two down the road. In his absence, McCoy showed that he could be just as dynamic as a receiver out of the backfield and running back for the Eagles. In the short-term, his impressive play while Westbrook was recovering from injury has earned McCoy a committee share in the running game, which makes him a decent bye-week fill or desperation play through the rest of the season even if Westbrook doesn’t get hurt again.

The Eagles face some tough defenses down the stretch and in the fantasy playoffs, but stashes like McCoy are what fantasy championship teams are all about. If things break right, he could be a huge factor late in the season.

I’m also stashing the New Orleans Saints’ Mike Bell. It’s unclear how exactly Bell and Pierre Thomas will split the touches in New Orleans, but regardless of how they are used, all fantasy owners should want a piece of the action. The Saints have one of the easiest rushing schedules in the league from here on out. With a stout defense finally making plays and quarterback Drew Brees to keep defenses more than honest, the Saints running backs could lead the league in rushing, or at least fantasy points at running back, from here on out. Not to mention, the Saints high-powered offense gets them in the red zone at will.

Both Thomas and Bell have shown the ability to excel as a part of this offense. Thomas has the top spot at the moment and is in line for a nice second half of the season, but if he were to be injured or if Bell earns a larger portion of the carries, Bell would benefit from the easy schedule and powerful offense.

If you have the room to pack him away, Bell’s a great stash at this point in the season while things in New Orleans are still unclear.

I felt McCoy and Bell could be impact stashes, especially because running back saviors are so hard to find on the waiver wire at this point in the season. Maybe they’re out there on your waiver wires right now as teams adjust for bye weeks and fortify their benches.

If not, there are plenty more where they came from to hide away on your bench and hope for the best. To read up on whom else my fellow roundtable members selected as stashes, take a look at the full Fourth & 1 debate at KFFL. [Sadly, KFFL has removed this content from their site.]

If you have additional suggestions on players to stash at this point in the season, please drop them in the comments.

By Jacob

Jacob founded Fantasy Football Fools in 2007 as a outlet for all the fantasy football conversations he couldn't have in-person. Since then...well, it's only gotten worse.


  1. The only knock on bell is that Reggie Bush will get some if not more of his touches. Bush looks better prepared for the NFL season now, more so than he ever has. Take it from a biased Cowboys homer…watch out for Tashard Choice. With Marion Barbers rumblin stumblin style, and Felix Jones being injury prone, Choice might be the best…er…Choice!

  2. Choice isn't a bad stash either. I, too, am a Cowboys fan, and I have always liked Choice, but his role could be limited unless Marion Barber or Felix Jones miss more time with injuries. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

    As for Reggie Bush's effect on Mike Bell, that's something to worry about, but I don't think that Bush will cut into Pierre Thomas or Bell's value significantly. Sure, he can take off from six yards out and fly in for the touchdown, but when it comes to running the ball, it'll still be Thomas or Bell shouldering the majority of the carries.

    Bush's use mainly effects the receivers more than the running game. He just can't move between the tackles and in short-yardage situations like Thomas and Bell can.

  3. Choice isn't a bad stash either. I, too, am a Cowboys fan, and I have always liked Choice, but his role could be limited unless Marion Barber or Felix Jones miss more time with injuries. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

    As for Reggie Bush's effect on Mike Bell, that's something to worry about, but I don't think that Bush will cut into Pierre Thomas or Bell's value significantly. Sure, he can take off from six yards out and fly in for the touchdown, but when it comes to running the ball, it'll still be Thomas or Bell shouldering the majority of the carries.

    Bush's use mainly effects the receivers more than the running game. He just can't move between the tackles and in short-yardage situations like Thomas and Bell can.

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