Introducing Fantasy Football on Google+ #FFCentral

To do this season right, Google+ assembled a ragtag bunch of fantasy experts and corralled us all inside a brand new community on Google+ called #FFCentral, or Fantasy Football Central if you don’t read hashtag.

Throughout the season, fantasy football experts will be sharing their content inside this community and taking turns answering your fantasy questions inside the “Live” category.

Fantasy Football Central Community Sidebar ScreenI’ll personally be taking the slot every Wednesday at 3 p.m. CST.

So stop by each week inside the “LIVE” tab if you have any questions about waiver wire claims, who to start, or how to overthrow your evil league commissioner.

Extortion is typically the best strategy.

I’ll also be helping to moderate the #FFCentral community to answer questions posed in the other categories and make sure this community discussion runs like a well-oiled machine, eating fantasy football questions and pooping out fantasy football advice and answers.

Here’s quick how-to via Google+ on how to ask a question if you want to be sure to get an answer:

How to Ask Fantasy Questions in the Community

There are two places to get your fantasy questions answered in this community:

1) The “LIVE” category is where our community moderators (i.e. experts) will be hosting Hangouts, Q&As, and chats. You may post questions in the comments section of moderators’ posts in this category. This is your best bet for getting a question answered right away.

2) The “Fantasy Questions” category is where users should pose questions about their team. These questions are open to be answered by both experts and community members alike. Feel free to ask questions about specific players, sit/start, trades, waiver wire pickups, etc. Any non-questions posted in this section will be removed.

As you may have already realized, the community is organized into several categories. Posting in the right category will maximize your chances of getting answers or just joining in on the communal experience.

The purpose for each of the categories is outlined by Google+ as follows:

Fantasy Chatter: A place for all Community members to post thoughts, interesting facts, photos, videos, GIFs, memes, etc. about anything related to fantasy football. Please make sure all posts contain relevant and informative messages and include the hashtag #FFCentral.

Fantasy Questions: A category for all Community members to post their personal fantasy football questions about drafting, sit/start, trades, etc. Experts and fellow Community members will answer these questions in the comments section of each post. Please refraining from posting any other content other than questions in this category.

LIVE: This will be the hub for moderators’ scheduled live events throughout the week including Hangouts On Air and Q&A sessions. Only scheduled moderators are permitted to post in this category, but members may +1 or post questions in the comments section of the post. Check the LIVE Events Calendar for all upcoming live events.

Position Rankings: This is a place to find position and overall rankings from all our moderators. Members are not permitted to post in this category, although they may comment on, +1, and reshare these posts.

News & Notes: Where moderators will post recaps, news, and other updates. Members are not permitted to post in this category, although they may comment on, +1, and reshare these posts.

Rosters & Waiver Wire: The location for moderators to post waiver wire and roster content pertaining to the upcoming fantasy week. Members are not permitted to post in this category, although they may comment on, +1, and reshare these posts.

Fantasy Central Expert League: The location for all updates and correspondence around the Google+ Fantasy Experts League. Members are not permitted to post in this category, although they may comment on, +1, and reshare these posts.

Community Rules & Regulations: All the Community rules are located in this category. Please do not post in this category.

Events: Please follow the LIVE Events Calendar located in the “About” section to find out when moderators will be providing live analysis.

#FFCentral has a few simple rules and guidelines, but they basically boil down to this: Don’t spam the group with self-promotional or off-topic content. You can share your personal fantasy football writing in the group as long as you categorize it under “Fantasy Chatter.”

If you’re not familiar with Google+ communities, they’re similar to a message board within Google+ or a Facebook Group, if that’s something more familiar. If you have a Google+ account (or start one after reading all about #FFCentral), feel free to join #FFCentral and check it out.

The #FFCentral community would be happy to explain to you how everything works. To jump right in, just use the widget in the sidebar of my site (on the right). Clicking preview there (or many of the links inside this post) will take you right into the action.

By Jacob

Jacob founded Fantasy Football Fools in 2007 as a outlet for all the fantasy football conversations he couldn't have in-person. Since then...well, it's only gotten worse.

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