Pay your dues…or else

Don’t be a douche. Fantasy football season is well underway. If you haven’t already, it’s time to pay your dues to your league commish…or maybe the collector will find you?
Sure, the video’s a little goofy, but it is important to pay your dues. Bugging people to pay up might be the worst thing about being commissioner of a fantasy football league unless you still have trade vetoes.

If you really have issues, you might give a service like Crowdtilt a try. The big advantage of Crowdtilt is that it requires every member of the league to pay before prize money can be paid out, which means your entire league will put pressure on those stragglers instead of just you as the commish.

Not a bad trick, right?

By Jacob

Jacob founded Fantasy Football Fools in 2007 as a outlet for all the fantasy football conversations he couldn't have in-person. Since then...well, it's only gotten worse.

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