If you weren’t quick with the answer to our ridiculously hard trivia question, you missed out on the contest for five free memberships to Pay The Fan that we gave away on Twitter, but you can still get in on our foolish Pay The Fan league if you go grab a discounted membership by Sunday.
See the details at the bottom of this article for how to make it happen. The winner of our league gets a $500 Best Buy Gift Card in addition to any $10,000 weekly or $250,000 season-long prizes you take home from Pay The Fan.
The first ten responses for our contest came in immediately after I twittered the question — had to use timestamps and Twitter’s chronological ranking to separate out the TRUE winners. The question was almost TOO easy.
Don’t even pretend you didn’t know — Brandon Marshall. I even hinted who it was going to be before I sent the question. On a related note…to the person who guessed Terry Bradshaw before the contest had even started, EPIC FAIL!
The quick draw responses poured in, but in the end, only five reigned supreme. Congrats to our five winners.
So maybe you didn’t win one of our five free memberships in our Twitter contest, but you still want to get in on the action at PayTheFan.com and join our league for a chance to win a $500 Best Buy gift card at the end of the season. Here’s how:
- Use the discount code ‘footballfools‘ when you register to get $5 off the cost of a football season membership to PayTheFan.com.
- Once you have you are registered, search for the FantasyFootballFools.com league. It’s public. (If you are logged in to PayTheFan.com, you can go straight to our league it using THIS LINK. IF YOU’RE NOT LOGGED IN, that link WILL NOT work.
Note: If you are already a Pay The Fan member, just use the link to jump to our league and add yourself to the competition. - Then, just set your lineup and get ready to be dominated by the Fools’ team — or some various and random team owner who will get VERY lucky. We should have some worthy competition.
I’ll see you at Pay the Fan. If you sign up, feel free to trash talk in the comments. Make sure you sign up by Sunday!