Have you heard the Fantasy Football Chatter?

We rarely get a chance to highlight many of the fantasy football tools out there as we spend most of our time and effort giving you fantasy football tips at Fantasy Football Fools, but from time to time, something comes along that’s worth bringing to your attention. Fantasy Football Chatter is one such tool/website/community.

Say you come home one night and turn on the TV to find the stud running back of your fantasy team explaining his latest injury bug and how it will impact the rest of his season. Maybe after the denial stages and the crying, you go online in search of some comfort or a recommendation.

After, of course, reading all you can about the news here at Fantasy Football Fools, you might want to survey the rest of the fantasy football blogosphere and see what the ESPNs and ProFootballTalks of the world are saying about your guy and how others are reacting.

That’s the perfect time to swing by Fantasy Football Chatter.

Fantasy Football Chatter

Created by the same wizard behind the curtain of Fantasy Football Calculator, Fantasy Football Chatter is a digg-like social news site dedicated to fantasy football and tracking the latest NFL player news. Chatter dedicates a page to each NFL player displaying all the latest submitted links about them.

You can vote up the stories that are most relevant to you, represent the most informed point of view or the ones that have the most fantasy impact to have a say in what goes to the top. As always, Fantasy Football Fools appreciates your support, but there’s plenty of great content to go around at Chatter. You can also be heard yourself by participating in the discussion and commenting on current stories. I like to view Chatter as one big, much more organized forum.

Each of the player pages has a unique RSS feed. For you power users out there, you can customize your fantasy football news intake by compiling the RSS feeds of each player on your fantasy team and tracking only the news that matters to you within a feed reader like Google Reader. Rather than relying on ESPN, CBS Sportsline or Yahoo! to deliver player updates within your team management system, you can check out the latest user submissions at Chatter to get commentary from bloggers and news sites around the Web.

When you start your research for the upcoming fantasy football season, you might find Fantasy Football Chatter a useful addition to your resources. And when you get there, look me up. I’m fantasyfool.

By Jacob

Jacob founded Fantasy Football Fools in 2007 as a outlet for all the fantasy football conversations he couldn't have in-person. Since then...well, it's only gotten worse.


  1. Awesome, great post. I'm sure that articles from fantasy football fools will keep bubbling up to the top of the site.

  2. Thanks, Kevin. I hope a few of our “foolish” patrons find Fantasy Football Chatter as useful as we did to discuss the latest fantasy football news. If they stay awhile to support our Fantasy Football Foolish cause, all the better!

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