Foolish Contest: Weekend Subscriber Drive

Update: We have a winner. Keep an eye out for our next giveaway.

I know. I promised contests, and contests ye shall have. This time, I’ll be awarding one of our lucky subscribers. Come Monday, I will select one email subscriber (at random) to receive the greatest of thrones.

May I have a drum roll please?

Yes, the greatest of all chairs: The Buffalo Wild Wings Tailgater Spectacular!

BWW Lawn Chair

Two cup holders? Oh, the possibilities.

I know you want it, so here’s how you get it. If you’re already an email subscriber, great. Fantastic. Good work, sir. You’re in the running. If not, go subscribe by email right now either by adding your email address on our handy subscribe page or in the top right corner of Fantasy Football Fools. If you’re subscribed by other methods, that won’t cut it. You have to subscribe by email at least until next week.

On Monday, I’ll select one email address at random, and email that wonderfully lucky person to let them know that they have won. If I don’t hear back, I’ll go to the next email selected at random and so forth.

Why email? Well, if you’re an RSS, Facebook, or Twitter subscriber, we still like you, but email is the easiest way for us to confirm that you are, in fact, actually subscribed. Plus, I don’t think we show enough love to email, spam-plagued as it is. So with this contest, email gets the love.

I’ll update the post when we have a winner. Thanks for playing.

By Jacob

Jacob founded Fantasy Football Fools in 2007 as a outlet for all the fantasy football conversations he couldn't have in-person. Since then...well, it's only gotten worse.


  1. The chair is so cute!! how can I get one??I know you will not choose my Email, I have no confidence of my lucky.

  2. I don't know anything about your confidence of your lucky, but you'll have to talk to Buffalo Wild Wings to get one of these bad boys if you missed out on the contest. I assume they are sold along with the t-shirts and other merch that BWW has.

  3. I don't know anything about your confidence of your lucky, but you'll have to talk to Buffalo Wild Wings to get one of these bad boys if you missed out on the contest. I assume they are sold along with the t-shirts and other merch that BWW has.

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